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Mar 26 2019

Study Of Time Speed

Time is slipping away second by second, never stopping whether you use it fully or waste it wholly. You can be master of time or slave of time. It is entirely at your own decision.
Nature does not create time. It only makes day and night and four seasons. Based on this cycle, nature is passing repeatedly in the past million years and will run for another indefinite million years.
But we human, for convenience of our life, has created time to run our day to day affairs. That is why we have seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months and years to record what we have done and are going to do ahead of us.
Time is not running fast and also not slow, but minute by minute evenly. But, different age of human will have a different feeling. Children think the time slow and they hope time to run faster to help them to grow fast to be adults. Old people wish time to be slow down so as to enable them to live longer delaying their time to enter grave.
Regardless what age you are, time does not care. It just run regularly as itself. Since we know that time waits nobody, we, on the contrary, also do not waste time. We just do things of our plan when time goes by. We seize time to do things for us, to be master of time. But, if we do not seize time, we shall be slave of time.