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Mar 16 2019

Diarrhea Is Not Illness

We sometime can have diarrhea, but this is not an illness. On the contrary, it may do some good to our body. It is because diarrhea washes away our rubbish food in our stomach as well as poison of chemicals. After diarrhea, we may feel fresh in our body and comfortable too.
But what we have to pay attention is the food which we will eat after diarrhea. Why we will have diarrhea from stomach, it is entirely due to our over-eating which makes our stomach over-burdened. Diarrhea is a warning to us that we shall not eat too much afterwards. Or if we neglect, more serious trouble in stomach will appear sooner or later.
Basically, diarrhea is not a kind of illness. It is not to be too serious. We do not need to see doctor, just drinking few glasses of water which will bring us to healthy normal condition.
But after diarrhea is over, we have to take care of our eating very carefully. That is to eat less, not to give too much burden on our stomach. If we neglect our care, then the real stomach trouble will fall upon us. And as a consequence, we have to depend on doctor’s assistance for many years ahead of us. Besides, doctors cure is only for temporary. For a long run, you have to depend upon yourself.
Except we suffer wounds by accident on which we have to go hospital. As for illness inside our body, we can self-cure by the power of our own body resistance.