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Jan 24 2019

Slow, But Not Repeat

When we do anything, better to do it slowly, but do it correctly, not repeatedly. Do not do it fast at a cost of many mistakes.
If we speak in high level, slowness is closely in connection with life and death. For example, if you pass the road slowly under green light, you are surely safe, but if you pass the road under red light with great haste, you may risk your life to be hit by car.
If we do things slowly, we can concentrate our mind, reducing mistakes to minimum, increasing efficiency to highest. By so doing, we only have benefit and no harm at all, making us nothing to regret about.
If we speak slow, we can make good friendship with people forever. By speaking fast, we may anger other people due to careless speaking. We may destroy our long-time friendship just by one careless word.
Eating food slow is necessary. If eating fast many accidents will happen such as bones to be blocked in throat: hot stuff will hurt stomach and so on. But, if you eat slow, everything to your body will go smooth and healthy.
To old people, slowness is the only way to keep them to live longer, especially to keep slow beat of heart. Turtle can live one hundred years or over because of their slow heartbeat.