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Nov 26 2018

I Am The Two Feet

I am the human’s two feet, part of human body. No feet, human will not die, but he will live miserably in the rest of his life.
In our whole life, we walk to any place by our two feet without which we can go nowhere. Therefore, to protect our feet is an important duty of our life. In the society, there are many crippled persons who can only sit on the wheelchair and need other people to help in case of going out.
Society is sympathized with those cripple people, but on the other hand, they despised them in working field, not willing to employee them in many kinds of jobs.
Animals feet are the most important part to keep their life. If their feet are hurted, they are doomed to die immediately. Other animals will eat wounded animals as their food.
When we get old, we cannot walk fast. It is because our tendon has shrunken to certain extent which makes our body difficult to move fast. But this is the life cycle, and we can do very little to stop such tendency.
What we can do is to walk more, even slowly and by this slow walking, our feet will last longer to be active. It is a difficult job, but we must try to do it.