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Nov 23 2018

Thirty-Six Tactics

We Chinese have a saying; “Of the thirty-six tactics, to run away is the best tactic.” This slang is known to everyone. It is true that if we apply it to our life, we shall have a very peaceful life in our whole life.
In the course of our life, we surely will have some arguments with someone. In the beginning, we may argue with words, but we may turn to violence in body fighting. If it is so, the result will be that you hurt your opponent or you are hurted by opponent. Whatever the consequence shall be, you will go to prison or to hospital. Either way is the way to disaster.
But, if you apply to go away in the beginning before argument, you shall be safe and to live a peaceful life.
Therefore, when you see a group of people gathering together on the street, do not go close to them. But, instead, leave the spot as quick as possible to avoid any trouble which may arise form that spot.
The society is not fair in some occasion generally. Do not be a person to improve an unfair affair. It is not your duty. Law will interfere and take action on the matters of unfairness. You are just to be a good citizen in the society yourself.