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Sep 6 2018

Is Life A Dream?

Under the most writer’s description, life seem to be a dream which, to certain extent, is regarded as true by a group of pessimistic people.
But in the reality of our life, it is not true. We do not live in the dream, but live in a life which will make us suffer and painful if we do not handle the reality well.
In the reality, we will feel hungry and need eat, but in dream, we do not feel hungry and need not eat. That is the difference between dream and reality.
In reality, we need savings as security to protect our living. When we awake from bed, we will immediately face the living problem which need money to buy.
Therefore, we have to work hard and earn money, which is to exchange the material for our living every day.
The day we were born to this world and then we have been brought up by our parents. After that period, we shall live our life independently by ourselves. If we do not work hard, we shall live a poor life and automatically fall to the group of poor people.
It is so important to have a clear thinking that we do not live in a dream, but live in the very cruel situation of reality against which we have to fight by ourselves.