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Aug 10 2018

Prepare To Fall

To old people, the most afraid thing is fall which can happen at any moment without any warning. Also, we cannot prevent not to fall.
But, we can have a strange way to prevent from falling down. That is that when we go out, we always be alert to fall. As long as we prepare to fall, the chance of fall will be reduced.
Fall is serious to old people. A light fall may cause a man to lie on bed for a long time. A serious fall may take his life away.
Why fall happens easier to old people, it is because that old people cannot balance his body properly. An unbalanced boy can not be cured and you have to accept it as it is.
To prepare unfalling, you must walk slow as a first principle. If a fall really happens to you, you may have a reaction not to hurt your body since you have a preparation beforehand.
The energy of every old man is weak and it is not possible for an old man to exercise to make his body flexible. What he can do is only to move slow and when he really falls down his hurt may be slight.