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Aug 3 2018

How To Detect Human Heart

God made human body, but did not make human heart. So, even God could not understand what was human thinking. Finally, He sent his only son to the world to preach God’s words to the human.
We are human and communicate with each other from time to time. It is not difficult to understand human’s heart. The simple formula is that human’s heart is greedy.
Since you know that human heart is greedy, you must be a person of no greedy yourself. If you can do so, you will surely walk very smoothly on the road of your life.
Of course, we cannot say that everybody is greedy. Only those who desire a luxurious life will have hearts of greedy. They spend most of time on enjoyment, and less time to work. Those persons are inclined to be greedy.
If we do not want to be greedy ourselves, we have to live a simple life. Only by a simple life, we can then be away from the habit of greedy.
Besides, if we live a simple life, we can enjoy the fruit of good health. Sickness only attack to those people who live their life in a very complicated way.