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Jul 17 2018


In this world, some people, when they get up in the morning, have nothing to do, and some people are so busy as soon as they rise from bed.
The people who have nothing to do are those who live their life meaninglessly and contribute nothing to the society. But, those who are so busy in their daily life are something to be discussed in the way of their life. Why they are so busy, it is because they put things of importance and less importance together. It is not good in managing time.
Since we have only twenty-four hours a day, deducing time on bed and eating, etc. the time left for working are not much. We have to use the time on important things only, discarding things of less importance, either to be done later or never doing it.
A French writer, Poquetin said: “Unreasonable haste is the direct road to error.” This means that if we do everything in haste, we shall commit more mistakes.
We Chinese also have many sayings about haste such as: “More haste less speed.” “He who darts ahead in too great haste will fall behind rapidly.” “Hasty climbers have sudden falls.” “What is done in a hurry is never done well.” “Without haste, but without rest.”