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Jul 13 2018


Confucius was the man, whom we all Chinese worship as our guidance in our human life. There are thousands of Confucius temples all over the world in Chinses society. For past over two thousand years, Chinese people have worshiped him. Almost, there are no second person in Chinese history to be worshiped by people all walks of life.
Words of Confucius are really different form many other scholars. We can use his words in our life to benefit in many ways. The following are his words for our guidance:
“The man he moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
It does not really mean to move a mountain, but to tell us that when we intend to do a big thing we need to start from small. Then, by persistence, we can reach our goal finally.
“Study the past if you would define the future.”
It is absolutely necessary to apply the experience of our past success and failure for guidance in our future life. Only by such experience, we can make our future better and better.
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.”
To explain simply, you must not lodge suit case in court. Even if you win in the court, you still lose, because you have wasted your money, time and energy.