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Jul 1 2018


In China, there was war between 1930 and 1950. At that time, material was so short and people lived in poverty. As for the world, there was Second Word War in the period around 1940. At that time, Europe was devastated and city was turned to ruin and people lived their life in dismay.
In 1945-1950, war ended, and the world came to prosperous. Cities were elected and material was ample. People lived in peace with good life.
But, frugality is a virtue and we shall follow it whether we are in good time or bad time.
The American founder, Benjamin Franklin said: “Frugality is a fair fortune, it is better to be sparing than extravagant.” And a British banker, John Lubbock Jr also said: “Before buying anything, it is well to ask whether one could not do without it.”
The dividing line of frugality is here. If we buy anything which is not in need for our life, it is a waste.
A Dutch scholar Desiderius Erasmus Said: “Frugality is a handsome income.” We know the power to make money is not in our hands, but to save is entirely in our control. If we save one dollar, it means we make one dollar. A person who spends money carelessly can never be rich.