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Jun 28 2018

Words Of Famous People

“Everything great is not always good, but all good things are great.’
We are mostly ordinary people, difficult to do something great, but we can still do something good, which means greatness in some way in our life. Therefore, we shall try to do good things if we can be great in certain sense.
“It is not wealth, nor ancestry, but honorable conduct and a noble disposition that make men great.”
Nowadays in China, there are many people who get rich quickly and those persons use their money blindly to show their wealth to other people. They think that they are superior people because of their money. It is absolutely wrong that in spite of the fact that money is good, but we must know that the power of money cannot be done in everything. We should be a person to respect money and use it in a way which is rightly.
“Man’s greatness lies in his power of thought.”
-Blaise Pascal
The root of greatness is in thinking. Any great men, when he is going to do something great, must have a thinking beforehand. He will think again and again before he take action. In our Chinese proverb: “Think thrice before we start to do anything of great importance.”