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Jun 12 2018

Words Of Famous People

“To profit from good advice requires more wisdom than to give it.”
Sometimes we will receive good advice from someone we know. What we have to do is to digest the content of the advice for use in our daily life. Do not ignore the advice if it is good.
“Advice is one thing most people would rather give than get.”
Most people do not like to receive good advice from other people. Instead, we like to give advice. Actually, the people who like to give advice are mostly ignorant.
“A father, sending his son out to the world, gave him the following words:
Tell the truth – falsehoods are hard to remember.
Don’t lend money to your friends – you will lose both.
You do not need clean cuffs every day, but you need a clean conscience all the time.
Don’t borrow money, unless you positively have the where withal to pay it back and then you don’t need it.
All the words said by this father are useful to all the young men in general. Those words can be applied in the daily life of every young man.