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May 29 2018

Words Of Famous People

“Some of life’s best pleasures are its simplest ones. Enrich your life with more of them and your heart will be happy.” - Robin Sharma
In the world, simple things are the best of all. If we apply our life to the rule of simplicity, we shall, of course, a happy person in anything we do and in any where we go. Never live in the life of complexity. Simplicity produces more time for us to enjoy our life.
“Anger is a wind that blows out our lamp of mind.”
It is true that when anger appears in our heart, it is like a storm which extinguish the lamp immediately. Therefore, we should control ourselves not to be angered so easily. Many mistakes are done under the mood of anger.
“It may be that one reason a dog is a good friend is that his tail wags and not his tongues.”
Dog cannot talk, but it is so close to human under good relationship, heart to heart forever. From here, we, human, can learn from dog’s way. That is that we do not talk too much with people in general. In usual case, talking much will always create troubles which is unnecessary.