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May 7 2018


“If you wait for perfect condition, you will never get anything done. Be sure to stay busy and plant a variety of crops, you never know which will grow – perhaps they all will.”
-Ecclesiastes 11.4-6
Bible tells us that we shall never wait until all condition matured, then we start to do what we want. If it is so, you shall never get things done. The best way is to do anything which comes to our hand now. Do the things even it is not matured, but we shall make it successful in the course of our doing it?
“Whatever you do, do well. For when you go to the grave, there will be no work, or planning or knowledge or wisdom.
-Ecclesiastes 11.4-6
The Bible tells us that when we are alive, we must do best as we can. When we go to grave, over there we can do nothing, no work, no planning, no knowledge, no wisdom. We are just dust.
“Definition of purpose is the starting point of all achievement.”
-Clement Stone
If we do anything, we have to set a clear goal beforehand. If it is so, our success is much higher than those who do not have any plan beforehand.