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Mar 21 2018

Water Only Flows Down

Our Chinese has a saying: “Human looks up, water down.” “Water flows downwards” is the knowledge every child knows. But, where the water comes from? It is from the top of the high mountain.
As far as China is concerned, the water comes from mountains of Tibet, flowing down into Yangtze River and Yellow River which nourishes all the land by the river side.
Since the water forever flows down from the high mountains into the sea, but the sea never overflow, always keeping a standard sea level for thousand and thousand years. What is the reason? The reason is very simple. It is because the fierce sun heats the sea water which slowly turns into wet air to the sky and finally becomes rain.
The rain then falls upon everywhere on the earth and high mountains. The rain water again flows down from mountain into the river, nourishing the land by the side of the river. The rain makes the trees to grow into forest which turns the world to be green to let people to live. If there is no water, the world will come into end.
The character of water is to go down, but our human is just opposite. We want to go up to the heaven, not down to the hell. To go to heaven means to seek more knowledge. Knowledge is power by which we can better our life and make the world beautiful. Therefore, it is the key importance to seek knowledge, or we shall be ignorant and ignorance means hell.