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Feb 18 2018

Words Of Confucius

The following words were said by Confucius, a great Chinese educationist two thousand years ago. Those words are very useful to our daily life.
The essence of knowledge is having it, to use it.
I slept and dreamt life is beauty. I woke and found life is duty.
The superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.
No. matter how busy you are, you must find time for reading, or surrender yourself to self-chosen ignorance.
If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is a real mistake.’
Now, we come to analysis the first one of knowledge. We all know knowledge is important to us, but the more important is that we must use the knowledge to help people in their daily life. If we do not use the knotweed in a proper way, the knowledge we have learned is useless and meaningless.
The fifth lines of words are to tell us that when we have committed mistakes which to human, are unavoidable sometimes, we should be brave to admit mistakes and improve our mistakes immediately. If we do not do so, we are then to become a person who is really committing a serious mistake.