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Jan 5 2018

Wine, Wine, Wine

In our society, wine is something which helps to make human relationship closer quickly. Especially in the dinner party, wine is a necessary liquid to serve guest. If there is no wine in the feast, then we cannot call it a feast. Everywhere in the world, such tradition has been carried down from few thousand years ago.
Wine is down from few thousand years ago. A human behavior can be changed quickly by wine. A man of few words can be a talkative person. Wine makes a person to forget past, not to think about future, but to enjoy the very moment with a glass of wine in hand.
By wine, you can make an instant friendship with a stranger quickly, even they do not know each other of their back ground.
Human is selfish in character. They do not want to share with other people what they have of their own. But, in wine, they want to share with other people generously. Even they feel enjoyable to see the person who are drunken with a ridiculous manner.
A general, when he wins a war, will drink a lot of wine with his subordinate and if he loses the battle, he will drink alone to forget the shame of failure. A person, male or female alike, my drink alone sadly if he or she is forsaken by a lover with whom they loved together before.
Wine is good if it is under control, but it will bring you trouble or even disaster if you do not handle it well.