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Nov 10 2017

Trees, So Kind To Human

Among the natural world, trees are the most useful and kind to human. Trees never hurt human absolutely. Instead, we depend our life on trees to live more beautifully.
Sea, of course, furnishes a great deal of material to our human. But, sea sometimes can be very violent and it can create high waves to destroy an island overnight. It can also overturn big steamers to sink to the sea bottom. Rain is essential to our life, but it can also make flood to our land, resulting thousands and thousands of people homeless.
But, trees are always kind, never making disasters to the human and they even know our human’s requirement to make human convenient to live a better life.
An example we can see from a baby tree. When a baby tree comes to the earth, it will grow up by itself to the height of more than twenty feet. From that height, it will then grow branches and leaves to form a perfect shape of a tree under which we can take a shadow or we can build a house in whatever way we like.
Trees make a forest in the mountain where provides oxygen to the people of the city nearby to let human live more beautifully and healthily.