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Oct 19 2017

Where Happiness Comes From

Everybody wishes to be happy, but where the happiness comes. Happiness is something abstractly, which cannot be seen and touched. It is a thing of sentiment which can only be felt by our heart, but this sentiment greatly influences our emotion whether we shall be happy or unhappy, positive or negative. That is why this subject is worthy to be studied.
To be happy, we must be content with what we have and live our life in the sphere of whatever we possess now either in the field of material or spiritual. Even we live our life in a state of misery, we must try to live happily, which we need a special philosophy to support.
Such philosophy is based on a thinking that since God give us a life to live today, we are already a happy person. To say simple life means happiness.
In our reality of life, content is the basic factor of happiness. If we are not satisfied with what we have, we cannot have a happy life. Do not compare with other people, living a life of our own whether we are poor or rich. You surely enjoy your sunshine days, but you must accept rainy days as the same.
Finally, you have to keep yourself in a good healthy condition. Happiness is entirely depending on your health body. You will not be happy if you are sick. Take care of your body carefully every day all your life.