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Oct 7 2017

Seize The Moment

In our life, the most important moment is “now”. Once “now” is gone, it is gone forever and will never be back again, whether we wish to work for our career or to enjoy our life for relaxation, we must seize the moment of now.
Only those who have worked for their whole life has now come to a retired life. They do not have to be too serious about the present moment. They can waste their time in whatever way they like.
But, the people, who are in prime age, struggle for a better life, they must not waste their present moment to do anything meaninglessly. They have to do productive things which are so important to build their foundation for future life.
Rome was not built in one day. To better our life, we need to work hard, step by step, day by day. To plough today means harvest tomorrow.
Many young people do not work hard and spend their time in fooling around. As a consequence, they cannot enjoy comfortable life when they get old. It is a rule of human life. If you do not plough, you do not have harvest.
Everybody wishes that tomorrow will be better than today, but this depends on what you do today. If you do not build a good foundation today how can you have a good life tomorrow.
Therefore, we must seize the moment which is now available to us. Never let time slip by aimlessly.