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Sep 23 2017

Food, Sleep, Exercise

If we follow the above three words which are the basic rule of keeping good health, we shall then never see doctor and eat pills of any kind in our life.
That is to eat balance food, to sleep plenty, and to keep adequate exercise. What is the meaning of balanced food? We should eat more vegetables and less meat and, of course, we must eat fish from sea. Remember not to eat in each meal too much to prevent hurting the stomach.
The importance of sufficient sleep should never be ignored. Your body can only be cured by sleep after you have done a hard work of long hours. If you do not sleep well, you will look older than your actual age and your memory will be very weak even you are young. The people who live a longer life are those who pay much attention to their sleep.
Exercise is necessary to keep our blood circulation to run faster, similar to a river with running water all year round. Our body blood may be like a pond if we do not exercise. As to what kind of exercise is good for you, it depends on your age and your preference. Of course, young people can take drastic exercise and old people can only take mild one.
Doctors only cure your sickness, but they do not tell you how to prevent. If you are a person of wisdom, find your way to prevent illness from happening.