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Aug 17 2017

Zero Argument

We, Chinese, have an old saying: “When we have argument with someone, it is better to leave the spot.” This theory is good in principle, but we can have a more better philosophy than this theory. It is not to create any argument with anybody. If we have no argument with others, we do not have to go away. Therefore, to keep zero argument with anyone at any occasion is something we have to learn.
Actually, argument is always created by very small affair which, in fact, is not worthy to pay attention. But, someone, who has nothing to do, likes to ignite small thing into big scale to enjoy their leisure life. Those persons are off-minded, but there are many of such characters in the society.
We cannot change character of other people, but we must keep our own character proper-minded, able to keep calm under storm.
In our whole life, we have to live with people. We cannot live alone and isolated. Therefore argument between one another cannot be avoided.
If you wish to live your whole life peacefully and safely, you must have wisdom not to argue with others. Train yourself with a broad mind and a tolerant character to apply a zero argument in your life.