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Aug 09 2017

Animal Behavior (2)

We see from documentary that different animal has its different way of life, some quite strangely and some has a very cruel way in hunting.
We take an example of wolf, which live their life in group, usually forty to fifty in number. Even when they hunt, at least there are more than ten wolves, working together to seize the prey. When they encounter a herd of buffalos, they will scare the buffalo to run toward different direction. They will select one weak buffalo and chase it until the buffalo is tired. Then one strong wolf will bite the buffalo’s tail, forcing buffalo to stop and immediately all other wolves will bite its hip firmly and eat its flesh. Even the back part of buffalo is bleeding seriously; the buffalo is still standing without falling down. It will finally fell down when the wolves eat its body up to the part of buffalo heart.
In the sea, say in big ocean, there is a kind of killer whales which like to eat sea lion especially the baby sea lion. It is because baby sea lion has no knowledge that whale will eat them. Those baby sea lion will still play in the sea wave even killer whale is approaching.
There is another kind of tiny fish which is called piranha. They like to eat ducks which swim in the river. But, there is no case that piranha has eaten human even the fish’s name is called piranha.