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Aug 04 2017

Health Programme

Few years ago there were medical programme in Chinese Television in China. In the programme, two Chinese doctors appeared to explain different kinds of illness of how it formed and how to cure it. This, of course, a good programme to benefit Chinese people who need such knowledge to prevent illness from happening.
But, actually it was not as good as everyone wished. The doctors used too many medical terms which were difficult for ordinary people to understand. Finally they only recommended to buy their medicine for your cure and the hospital they suggested you to go.
In fact to prevent illness is not so difficult as long as we keep our daily life carefully. If we can build our good body resistance, no sickness of any kind will inflict into our body. Or, if we are careless to build our body resistance, illness will fall upon us naturally.
To build body resistance, first, we are to have enough sleep, which is the only best medicine to recover our fatigue. Second is the food on which our life depends. But, it is important that we must eat food balancely to supply nutrition to every part of our body failing which we will be weak without knowing the reason why.
Finally is the exercise. For young person’s strong sports, such as football, basketball, are fit for them. But, for old people, only mild exercise can be applied just to keep their blood circulation running smoothly.